- Primary Source Documents - Reproductions or Printed Transcriptions
- The Trial Transcripts
- Le Procès de Condamnation de Jeanne d'Arc. Reproduction en fac-similé du manuscrit authentique, sur vélin, no. 1119 de la Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée Nationale.
Intro by Jean Marchand; Plon [1955], Paris.
Comments: This is a reproduction of BAN 1119, the copy of the transcript which was written by the notary Guillaume Manchon for either Judge Cauchon or the English Royal family.1
Manchon's handwriting (in Latin and medieval French) is reasonably legible.
- DuParc, Pierre, ed.; Procès en Nullité de la Condamnation de Jeanne d'Arc (5 Volumes).
Société de l'Histoire de France, 1977, 1979, 1983, 1986, 1988; Paris.
Comments: The complete transcription of the Rehabilitation Trial documents, original
Latin and medieval French. Volume 1 contains sections I - VI (mostly
witness testimony);
Vol. 2 contains VII - IX (mostly various theological opinions and Inquisitor Bréhal's
"Recollectio" in which the charges against Joan were debunked). At the very end is a
Latin version of the final declaration of innocence in which the
verdict of the original trial was overturned. Volumes 3 and 4 contain
a modern French translation of the documents; Volume 5 has the author's
own views on the trials.
- Quicherat, Jules, ed.; Procès de Condamnation et de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc, dite la Pucelle (5 Volumes).
Société de l'Histoire de France, 1841, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1849, Paris.
Comments: A collection of a sizable sample of the documents related to Joan of Arc's history, in transcription,
plus a few translations. Volume 1 contains the Condemnation transcript;
Volumes 2 & 3 contain most of the Rehabilitation documents (minus most of the
"Recollectio" and other theological opinions, unfortunately); Volumes 4 & 5 contain numerous other primary sources: chronicles such as "The Journal of the Siege
of Orleans", private letters, literary works such as Christine de Pisan's
"Ditie de Jehanne Darc", etc.
- Belon, Marie-Joseph & Balme, François; Jean Bréhal, Grand Inquisiteur de France et la Réhabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc.
(Both volumes combined into one book). P. Lethielleux, 1893, Paris.
Comments: Contains a transcription of the entire "Recollectio" plus a
few other documents by Bréhal and some biographical information.
- Other Documents
- [Anonymous clerk]; Une relation inédite sur Jeanne d'Arc, Quicherat, Jules, ed.
in "Revue Historique" Tome 4. Presses Universitaires de France, 1877, Paris;
pp. 327 - 344. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, code number N018094].
Comments: Transcription (15th cent. French) of the document
generally known as "Relation du greffier de La Rochelle".
- [Anonymous]; Journal du siège d'Orléans, 1428-1429 : augmenté de plusieurs documents notamment des comptes de ville, 1429-1431, Charpentier, Paul and Cuissard, Charles, eds.
H. Herluison, 1896, Orléans. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, code number N102284].
Comments: Transcription (15th cent. French) of the document
generally known as "Journal du siège d'Orléans", plus an extensive compilation
of entries from the city's financial accounts.
- Aquinas, St. Thomas; Scriptum super Sententiis; online at:
Sancti Thomae de Aquino Scriptum super Sententiis <"">.
Comments: Transcription (original Latin) of Aquinas' "Scriptum super Sententiis", in which this prominent medieval theologian makes some of his most famous statements.
- Aquinas, St. Thomas; Summa Theologica; online at: Sancti Thomae de Aquino Summa Theologiae
Comments: Transcription (original Latin) of this important
medieval theological work, which was quoted extensively by those who
conducted both trials.
- Chartier, Jean; Chronique de Charles VII, Roi de France Vol. I. Auguste Vallet de Viriville, Ed.
P. Jannet, 1858, Paris. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, code number 0027712].
Comments: Transcription (original 15th century French) of
this book by the Royal chronicler Jean Chartier.
- Froissart, Jean ; Oeuvres de Froissart [25 Volumes]; Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove, Ed.
Reprint of the 1867-1877 edition; Biblio Verlag, 1967, Osnabrück. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France (code numbers N0038922 - N0038946 for volumes 1 - 25)].
Comments: Transcription (original 14th century French) of
Jean Froissart's chronicle of the first half of the Hundred Years
- Gruel, Guillaume; Chronique d'Arthur de Richemont; Achille le Vavasseur, ed.
Renouard, 1890, Paris.
Comments: Transcription (original 15th century French) of Guillaume Gruel's chronicle of
Count Arthur de Richemont (1393 - 1458), who served as one of the saint's commanders.
- Jacomet, Daniel; Jehanne d'Arc: Quarante-cinq Documents Originaux et
Iconographiques Réunis par Daniel Jacomet.
Union Latine d'Editions, 1933, Paris.
Comments: Includes images of a number of documents: six of her
letters, the grant of arms, pages from several registers, a letter
from Lord Rotslaer which mentions her, etc.
- Jarry, Louis; Deux chansons normandes sur le siège d'Orléans et la mort de Salisbury.
H. Herluison, 1894, Orléans. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, code number N066839].
Comments: Commentary and transcription (15th cent. French) of
two Norman songs dealing with the siege of Orléans, apparently written
shortly after the siege was lifted.
- Luce, Simeon, ed.; Chronique du Mont-Saint-Michel (1343 - 1468) (2 Volumes).
Société des Anciens Textes Français; Firmin Didot, 1879 - 1883, Paris.
Transcription (medieval French + Latin) of The Chronicle of
Mont Saint Michel plus 300 additional documents related to the
war effort in the Normandy region, such as letters from various
leaders on both sides. Part of the "Chronique" mentions Joan's
activities; the supplemental documents include numerous letters
from people such as Charles VII, Lord Dunois, and the Duke of Bedford.
- Maleissye, Count Conrad de; Les Lettres de Jehanne d'Arc.
Andre Marty, 1911, Paris.
Comments: Includes attached facsimiles of five of
her letters and a narrative by her family's descendant, Count Conrad
de Maleissye.
- Michaud, Joseph-François & Poujoulat, Jean-Joseph-François, eds.
Nouvelle Collection des Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de France, Series I, Volume III; 1837, Paris; [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, code number N030878].
Transcriptions of several chronicles: the latter portion of "Journal d'un Bourgeois de
Paris", Gruel and Godefroy's chronicles, plus three pieces dealing with
the following generation: "Mémoires de messire Olivier de La Marche", "L'estat du Maison du duc Charles de Bourgogne, dit le Hardy",
and "Mémoires de Jacques Du Clercq".
- Monstrelet, Enguerrand de; [La] chronique d'Enguerran de Monstrelet: en
deux livres, avec pièces justificatives: 1400-1444 [6 Volumes];
Louis Douët d'Arcq, Ed. Jules Renouard, 1857, Paris. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France (code numbers N104835,N104840,N104842,N104843,N104844 for Volumes 1-2, 4-6)].
Comments: Transcription (original 15th century French) of the
Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, a
Burgundian who personally met Joan of Arc after her capture at Compiègne.
Monstrelet's chronicles are
among the standard sources of information for this
period of the Hundred Years War; his treatment of Joan is about as
fair as can be expected from a Burgundian, although he predictably
couldn't resist repeating some of the propaganda promoted by his faction.
This edition includes additional documents in the final volume.
- Orléans, Charles d'; Poésies de Charles d'Orléans, Guichard,
Joseph-Marie. Ed. C Gosselin, 1842, Paris. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France (code number N028434)].
Comments: Includes transcriptions of poetry by a number
of persons associated with Joan of Arc and her time period: Duke Charles
of Orléans [whom she wanted to free from English captivity],
Duke Jean II d'Alençon [one of her commanders],
Lord Jean le Maingre ('Boucicault') [one of the French heroes], and many others.
- Petitot, Claude Bernard, ed. Collection Complète des Mémoires Relatifs à l'Histoire de France; Ser. I Vol. VIII.
Foucault, 1819, Paris. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France (code number N036362)].
Comments: Transcriptions of a number of documents; volume 8
covers the period from 1422 - 1429 and focuses on Joan.
- Samaran, Charles, ed.; Histoire de Charles VII; Vol. I.
Société d'Edition "Les Belles Lettres", 1933, Paris.
Comments: Transcription of the original Latin plus a modern
French translation of Thomas Basin's "Hystoriarum Rebus A Karolo VII".
Vol I covers 1407 - 1444.
- Wavrin, Jean de; Recueil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, à présent nommé Engleterre [Volumes 2 - 4]; William Hardy, Ed.
Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, 1868, London. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France (code numbers N050249 - N050251)].
Comments: Transcription (original 15th century French) of
Jean de Wavrin's chronicle, which includes his firsthand account of the
battle of Patay, having been a mercenary in the English army which
was defeated by Joan's troops that day.
- Collection Universelle des Mémoires Particuliers Relatifs à l'Histoire de France. XIVe & XVe siècles, Volume VII;
[Cuchet], 1785, Paris; [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, code number N022632].
Transcriptions of several chronicles: Gruel's chronicle, Godefroy's "Mémoires de Florent sire d'Illiers",
etc. Part of a series originally published in the 18th century.
- Gasté, Armand.Etude sur Olivier Basselin et les compagnons du Vau de Vire: leur rôle pendant les guerres anglaises et leurs chansons.
Le Gost-Clérisse, 1866, Caen.
Includes transcriptions of several 15th century songs from the Hundred Years War.
- Primary Sources - Translations
- The Trial Transcripts
- Barrett, W.P., ed; The trial of Jeanne d'Arc.
Gotham house, 1932.
Comments: English translation of one of the Latin copies of the Condemnation trial transcript.
More effort should have been made to make note of the portions
which are contradicted by the testimony at the Rehabilitation
Trial and other documents; the illustrations are not very
- Oursel, Raymond, trans.; Les Procès de Jeanne d'Arc [Le Procès de Condamnation et le Procès de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc].
Éditions Denoël, 1959, Paris.
Comments: A modern French translation of the testimony from
both trials. Doesn't include the extraneous stuff, nor
(unfortunately) the "Recollectio".
- Pernoud, Régine; The Retrial of Joan of Arc; The Evidence at the Trial For Her Rehabilitation 1450 - 1456.
Translated by J.M. Cohen; Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York 1955.
Comments: The English version of the book in the entry below. One of the very few
English-language books covering the retrial testimony.
- Pernoud, Régine; Vie et Mort de Jeanne d'Arc; Les Témoignages du Procès de Réhabilitation 1450 - 1456.
Hachette 1953.
Comments: Extensive excerpts from the witness testimony at the Rehabilitation trial.
- Scot, W.S., trans.; The trial of Joan of Arc : being the verbatim report of the proceedings from the Orleans manuscript.
Folio Society, [1956], London.
Comments: English translation of the Orleans Manuscript, which contains what some scholars believe to be the most faithful copy of the text from the Condemnation trial (all things being relative, of course: i.e., it's less fraudulent than the Latin versions).
- Other Documents
- Aquinas, St. Thomas; Summa Theologica; online at: New Advent's Summa Theologica
Comments: English translation of the Angelic Doctor's most
famous work; see other entry above.
- Bingen, St. Hildegard von; Scivias; Mother Columba Hart and
Jane Bishop (translators); Paulist Press, New York, 1990.
Comments: English translation of "Scito Vias Domini" (Scivias),
an influential medieval theological work.
- Bonet, Honoré; The Tree of Battles of Honoré Bonet.
Trans. by G.W Coopland; University of Liverpool Press, Liverpool, 1949.
A translation of "l'Arbre des Batailles", written in the late
14th century. Includes a summary of the rules of warfare during the
Hundred Years War period.
- Monstrelet, Enguerrand de; The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, (two volumes).
Trans. by Thomas Johnes; William Smith, London, 1845.
English translation of Monstrelet's chronicles.
- Roessler, Charles; L'armure et les lettres de Jeanne d'Arc; documents conservés à l'Abbay de Saint-Denis et aux Archives de la famille d'Arc du Lys.
A. Picard, 1910, Paris
Comments: Modern French translations of some of her letters; a few photos and an interesting chalk-rubbing of a
surviving relief carving of her armor at the Abbey of St. Denis.
- Works Dealing With the Documents
- General Biographies
- Paine, Albert Bigelow; Joan of Arc, Maid of France (2 Volumes).
MacMillan, New York 1925.
Comments: A two volume set which is packed with interesting
information and is fairly accurate overall, but the author
unfortunately subscribed to the peculiar notion that two of the
charges against her were "just" according to the laws of the era,
despite the fact that the opposite was decisively proven by an expert on canon
law during the retrial, and his judgment has been confirmed by
modern experts.
- Pernoud, Régine and Clin, Marie-Véronique; Jeanne d'Arc.
Fayard, 1998.
Comments: includes extensive excerpts from the transcripts of both trials, as well as the full text from all of Joan's surviving letters and short biographies of many of the principle nobles, clergy, and others
who were associated with Joan of Arc. Highly recommended. Reprint of the 1986 book.
- Pernoud, Régine and Clin, Marie-Véronique; Joan of Arc: Her Story.
Jeremy DuQuesnay Adams, trans. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1998. Originally published in French as "Jeanne d'Arc" (1986); see entry above.
Comments: nominally an English translation of the above, published after Pernoud's death;
although the editor and/or translator decided to significantly modify portions
of the text, including the addition of material and (in the bibliography) a number of
revisionist books which Pernoud opposed.
- Pernoud, Régine; Joan of Arc (By Herself and Her Witnesses) [Jeanne d'Arc Par Elle-Même et Par Ses Témoins].
Edward Hyams, trans. Stein and Day 1966.
Comments: Extensive excerpts from many documents; a few photos of original manuscripts.
Highly recommended.
- Pernoud, Régine and Rambaud, Mireille; Telle Fut Jeanne d'Arc.
Fasquelle, Paris; 1956.
Comments: A little book with a number of good details.
- Sackville-West, V.; Saint Joan of Arc.
G.K. Hall & Co., Boston; 1936, 1964
Comments: While this book is well-written, there are so many misconceptions
and distortions that it can hardly be recommended. Even Professor Bonnie Wheeler of the
International Joan of Arc Society pronounced it "dead wrong"; others
have used stronger language.
- Smith, John Holland; Joan of Arc.
Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1973
The author was at least honest enough to admit that she was
not a member of a 'secret witch-cult' despite his affinity for
the theory; but the view of Joan the book presents often borders on
- Books on Her Family
- Boucher de Molandon, M. ; Un Oncle de Jeanne d'Arc Depuis Quatre Siècles Oublié.
H. Herluison, Orléans, 1891.
- De Bouteiller, E. and De Braux, G.; Famille de Jeanne d'Arc.
Paris, 1878.
Comments: Extensive genealogical information about her family,
plus a number of documents written by various members.
- Morel, Henri; La Noblesse de la Famille de Jeanne d'Arc au XVIe Siècle.
Éditions Klincksieck, Paris, 1972.
- Books on Specialized Topics
- DeVries, Kelly; Joan of Arc: A Military Leader.
Sutton Publishing, 1999.
- Fraioli, Deborah; Joan of Arc: The Early Debate.
Boydell Press, Woolbridge, 2000.
Comments: Analyzes 15th century
documents which have largely been ignored up to this point (such as
the Archbishop of Embrun's writings, Gerson's treatise in Joan's
defense, etc). One of very few recent works to add an important
new dimension to a very old area of study, and one of very few
books on the subject of any era to take a balanced approach to the
theological debate over her mission and to examine the arguments
put forward in this debate.
- Harmand, Adrien; Jeanne d'Arc: Ses Costumes, Son Armure.
Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1929.
An exhaustive treatment of her clothing and armor, although
the author makes a few assumptions (about her height and hair,
for example) that are probably erroneous.
- Williamson, Allen; Primary Sources and Context Concerning Joan of Arc's Male Clothing. Historical Academy (Association) for Joan of Arc Studies, 2006. Online at: Historical Academy (Association) for Joan of Arc Studies (Website)
- Books on the Hundred Years War
- Allmand, Christopher; The Hundred Years War: England and France at War c. 1300 - c. 1450.
Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Contains a detailed treatment of many aspects of the war:
land and naval forces, taxation, the raising of troops, and so forth.
- Fowler, Kenneth; The Age of Plantagenet and Valois; The struggle for supremacy 1328-1498 .
G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1967
Lots of photos of original documents (treaties, writs of indenture, etc);
however, some of his comments about Joan are inaccurate and disreputable.
- Neillands, Robin; The Hundred Years War.
Routledge, New York, 1991
A useful examination of the Hundred Years War, written without the
usual pro-English slant. Some of the comments about Joan of Arc are
somewhat dubious, but it's a fairly accurate treatment of her.
- Nicolas, Sir Harris; History of the Battle of Agincourt.
Tabard Press Limited, London, 1970; originally published in 1832.
A reprint of the book in its original form, complete with the
author's notice to the King. Includes transcriptions and translations of
a number of original documents.
- Nicolle, David, and McBride, Angus; French Armies of the Hundred Years War.
Osprey Publishing Limited, Oxford, 2000.
A small book which nevertheless has some interesting information.
- Perroy, Edouard; The Hundred Years War.
Warre Bradley Wells, trans. (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1959).
Translation of Perroy's classic history of the Hundred Years War,
written while a member of the French Underground during World War II (in the
preface he laconically notes that "... certain actions [in war]
have become more comprehensible" as a result of his experience).
- Seward, Desmond; The Hundred Years War; The English in France 1337-1453.
Atheneum, New York, 1978
A popular book on the Hundred Years War; some photos of original manuscripts; maps of major battles, etc.
The author has a decidedly pro-English slant; some of his comments about Joan are shamefully erroneous.
- Sumption, Jonathan; The Hundred Years War, Volumes I and II.
University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1991, 1999.
These are the first two volumes of a projected series; to the best
of my knowledge, the third volume still has not been published as of
this writing. The word 'extensive' does not do it justice: 1,339
pages so far, and it only covers the war up through 1369. This may well be the definitive work on the Hundred Years War for a generation or more.
- Tuchman, Barbara; A Distant Mirror.
published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1978.
A large and well-written book on the Hundred Years
War period and related subjects; unfortunately the author decided to
place too much trust in the chroniclers (Froissart et al), who were
not always accurate.
- Vale, Malcolm; The Origins of the Hundred Years War: The Angevin Legacy 1250 - 1340.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996.
An exhaustive look at the political events and other factors which
led up to the war, focusing primarily on the family feuds and legal squabbles in
- Important Personages of the Era
- Fox, John; The Lyric Poetry of Charles d'Orleans
Oxford University Press, London, 1969
- Goodrich, Norma; Charles, Duke of Orleans: Poet and Prince
Macmillan, New York, 1963
Biography of Charles, Duke of Orleans from 1407 - 1465. The brief section
on Joan is a bit surreal.
- McLeod, Enid; Charles of Orleans: Prince and Poet.
Chatto & Windus, London, 1969.
Another biography of Duke Charles of Orleans with a slightly
different title and more substantial information.
- Vale, Malcolm; Charles VII.
University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1974.
Biography of Charles VII; the portions dealing with Joan are
often so skewed as to provoke skepticism of the rest.
- Vaughan, Richard; John the Fearless: The Growth of Burgundian Power.
Barnes & Noble, New York, 1966.
Biography of Jean-sans-Peur, Duke of Burgundy from 1404 - 1419, written
by a specialist on the Burgundy family.
- Vaughan, Richard; Philip the Good.
Barnes & Noble, New York, 1970.
Biography of Philippe-le-Bon, Duke of Burgundy from 1419 - 1467.
- Miscellaneous
- Ancel, Paul; Le mot «hahu» dans une lettre de Jeanne d'Arc
in "L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux" Vol. 92, 10 Jan. 1929, Paris;
p. 419. [PDF version from La Bibliothèque Nationale de France, code number N073449].
- Bataille, Georges; The Trial of Gilles de Rais.
Richard Robinson, trans; Amok Books, Los Angeles, 1991.
Testimony from the secular and ecclesiastic trials of Gilles de
Rais, one of the nobles assigned to Joan's army who seems to have
adopted an evil life after her death. Includes thoroughly depressing and
graphic testimony re: the murder of dozens of children by Rais and
his accomplices; the author couldn't resist adding his own
contemptuous views on Christianity and other subjects.
- Calmette, Joseph; The Golden Age of Burgundy
W. W. Norton and Company, New York, 1962
The growth of the Burgundian state under the Valois Dukes.
- Churchill, Sir Winston; The Birth of Britain.
Bantam Books, New York, 1956,1963.
Churchill's acclaimed history of early England. Includes
a section on Joan of Arc which is respectful (Churchill, like Creasy,
was a big fan of La Pucelle), although
it has some dubious portions.
- Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd; The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (from Marathon to Waterloo).
A.L. Burt, New York, originally published in 1851.
Includes Joan of Arc's victory at Orléans; written by one of her ardent
supporters within the 19th century English ruling class.
- Hall, Bert; Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: Gunpowder, Technology, and Tactics.
John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1997.
Includes detailed sections on late-medieval cannons and other early
gunpowder weaponry in use during the Hundred Years War period.
- Peters, Edward; Inquisition
University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1989
A critically-acclaimed examination of the Inquisition courts
which avoids the usual extremes.
- Samaran, Charles; La Chronique Latine Inedité de Jean Chartier (1422 - 1450)
Librairie Honoré Champion, Paris, 1928.